Click, click, click, click, click....
Hear that? It's the hypothetical business dominoes falling into place.
You set the first one up and on the back it says - 'used my first brand photo'.
Which then toppled into the next domino that says 'gained a new follower' which continued to topple dominoes ...alllll the way down to 'follower became a client'.
Complete and total satisfaction - seeing all the dominoes of your client's journey falling into place because one brand photo caught their eye.
Okay, you're asking, what in the world do dominoes have to do with answering 'who is brand photography for?'
Well, my simple answer is brand photography is for creative entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking to elevate their business with intentional images.
But we know it's not just that simple, now is it?
Who is Brand Photography For?
Brand Photography is for Small Business Owners
The very first domino in answering 'who is brand photography for?' is you, the small business owner. As the entrepreneur, you are juggling all areas of your business and need to find ways to minimize the burden. Having regular brand photography sessions is one simple (and fun) way to make running a business easier.
Brand photography is for creative entrepreneurs because it does two things really well:
Brand photos will elevate and reinforce your branding. You are the professional who gives top-notch service. Present yourself in a top-notch way with clean, appealing professional photography throughout all marketing channels. Viewers will take notice and associate your brand with quality.
Brand photos mean you have content at the ready. Think about how much time you waste worrying about visuals and piecing together generic stock phtogoraphy. Build time back into your day with a library of intentional images that convey who you are, what you do, and how you do it. The next time you create marketing (ahem, the dreaded social posts), you'll easily be able to drop in your brand photos.
Odds are good if you're reading this blog post you're ready for your next brand session. Let me help you put time back into your day - get started by dropping a note through the 'Let's Connect' button below.
Brand Photography is for Your Audience
We've established that brand photography starts by serving you, the business owner. However, you aren't having a brand session and then creating a printed album of your images to look at occasionally. Nope, please don't do that.
Brand photos are intended to be put to work. Get those photos out there and working for you!
Once you receive your gallery of brand images, go through them. Think about them as more than just headshots. See what images resonate with you.
Ideally you'll begin to post your photos throughout your website, in your social media channels, in your emails, on printed materials, and really any place that requires a photo of you.
Your audience will begin to see you. Oh hey, that's another domino.
And the more that they see you and your brand, the more likely their awareness of you will grow. Continue to increase that awareness by sharing yourself and brand photos often.
I always tell my clients their brand photos should do three things:
Show who they are - lots of pictures smiling at the camera because viewers connect with the eyes and emotions first.
Show what they do - these images will connect your likeness with your personal brand and the services you sell.
Show how you do it - whether that's hands-on working or bringing out your values, we want to show how you do what you do that leaves your clients raving about your services.
With your audience's awareness of you and your brand, they'll begin to pay attention to what you're sharing and asking them to do (ahem, become a paying client). Leading us to the final point.
Brand Photography is for Your Ideal Client
Now that your audience is primed and aware of who you are and what you do, it's time to get them to the final domino - becoming a client.
Your brand photos are for your ideal client. That is, we want to create intentional images that will connect with your ideal client. Connection comes through informing them you can solve their problem, illustrating you two share the same values when hiring a service, and connects with them at the right time.
As an audience member they've already figured out who you are and what it is that you do. Now that you have their attention, allow your brand photos to help educate them.
Sharing images that show how you solve a problem (aka, perform a service) will let them see what it would be like to work with you. Sharing photos that illustrate your values like strong communication, expertise, creativity, etc., will allow them to identify what it is they value when hiring a service.
A little harder to calculate but rather achieve through consistency, is connecting with your ideal client at the right time. Posting brand photos consistently will put both you and your ideal client in the 'right place at the right time' convincing them to click through and finally inquire for your services.
And with that inquiry comes the final steps to booking your services - the last domino falls right into place.
Brand Photography is For Your Business
Remember, it takes an average of seven 'touches' for an audience member to be primed and 'ready' to purchase your service - and that's based on an old-school rule of thumb. In todays world, it could be one touch because they're already ready to buy or 100 touches because they're not aware they have a problem and need your services quite just yet.
Begin to set up your brand photo dominoes now!
Ready to get started? Excellent, me too! All I need you to do is reach out through the contact form and I'll be in touch to set up a quick call to learn about you and your vision for brand photos.
About the Photos in this Post
Jenny Farmelo is the heart behind Jenny Revive Coach, a certified Christian life coach with the mission to help overwhelmed women revive their lives and live to their full potential.
About Emily Marcella Northern Virginia Brand Photographer
Emily Marcella is a Northern Virginia Personal Branding Photographer serving creative small business owners. Emily has a three-part approach to brand photography - together we plan strategically in order to shoot creatively and generate images that allow you to market intentionally.